Downloadable Papers



01/06-Does Reinsurance Need Reinsurers? Journal of Risk and Insurance


09/06-Dynamic Security Design: Convergence to Continuous Time and Asset Pricing Implications (with B. Biais, T. Mariotti, and J.-C. Rochet) Review of Economic Studies


08/07-Marking to Market: Panacea or Pandora s Box? (with Haresh Sapra and Hyun Shin) Journal of Accounting Research


05/07-Loan Sales and Relationship Banking (with Christine Parlour) Journal of Finance


01/08-Learning by Holding and Liquidity Review of Economic Studies


11/12-Equilibrium Subprime Lending (with Igor Makarov) Journal of Finance


06/14-Rewarding Trading Skills Without Inducing Gambling (with Igor Makarov) Journal of Finance


08/14-Shadow Banking and Bank Capital Regulation Review of Financial Studies


06/16-Taxing the Rich (with Augustin Landier) Review of Economic Studies


07/17-Exchange Rates and Monetary Spillovers (with Hyun Shin) Theoretical Economics


02/18-Marking to Market versus Taking to Market (with Jean Tirole) American Economic Review


07/24-Monetary Easing, Lack of Investment and Financial Instability (with Viral Acharya, Pietro Reggiani and Iris Yao) Journal of Financial Intermediation


12/23-Monetary Easing, Leveraged Payouts and Lack of Investment (with Viral Acharya) Management Science


07/24-The Central Bank, the Treasury, or the Market: Which One Determines the Price Level? (with Jean Barthelemy and Eric Mengus) Journal of Economic Theory


07/23-Asset Bubbles and Inflation as Competing Monetary Phenomena Journal of Economic Theory


02/25-A State Theory of Price Levels (with Jean Barthelemy and Eric Mengus)


02/25-Fiscal Dominance: Implications for Bond Markets and Central Banking (with Jean Barthelemy and Eric Mengus)