Reinsurance Need Reinsurers? Journal of Risk and Insurance
09/06-Dynamic Security Design: Convergence to Continuous
Time and Asset Pricing Implications (with B. Biais, T. Mariotti,
and J.-C. Rochet)
Review of Economic Studies
to Market: Panacea or Pandora s Box? (with Haresh Sapra and Hyun Shin)
Journal of Accounting Research
Sales and Relationship Banking (with Christine Parlour)
Journal of Finance
by Holding and Liquidity Review of Economic Studies
11/12-Equilibrium Subprime Lending (with Igor Makarov) Journal of Finance
06/14-Rewarding Trading Skills Without Inducing Gambling (with Igor
Makarov) Journal of Finance
08/14-Shadow Banking and Bank Capital Regulation Review of Financial Studies
the Rich (with Augustin Landier) Review of Economic Studies
07/17-Exchange Rates and Monetary Spillovers (with Hyun Shin)
Theoretical Economics
to Market versus Taking to Market (with Jean Tirole)
American Economic Review
07/24-Monetary Easing, Lack of Investment and Financial Instability (with Viral Acharya, Pietro Reggiani and Iris Yao)
Journal of Financial Intermediation
Easing, Leveraged Payouts and Lack of Investment (with Viral Acharya)
Management Science
07/24-The Central Bank, the Treasury, or the Market: Which One Determines the Price Level? (with Jean Barthelemy and Eric Mengus) Journal of Economic Theory
07/23-Asset Bubbles and Inflation as Competing Monetary Phenomena Journal of Economic Theory
02/25-A State Theory of Price Levels (with Jean Barthelemy and Eric Mengus)
02/25-Fiscal Dominance: Implications for Bond Markets and Central Banking (with Jean Barthelemy and Eric Mengus)